Ideal Breast Size, as to whether the ideal breast? A reference mentioned, ideally each breast weighs about 750 grams. The height of the outer circle to the nipple ranges from 10 to 15 cm and volume between 350 to 500 cc. If it is adjusted according to bra size, the result is 34 B to 36 B.
However, whether breast size 36 B is a healthy breast? The answer, not necessarily. Therefore, dr Irsan Hanafi, Sp OG, asserting that women should not need to be discouraged if you have the breast size is smaller than that size.
"What is important to remove the milk with the smooth in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of infants," said obstetricians and content of this Jakarta hospital.
Growth hormones and the breast is determined by genetic factors. If a girl comes from a family that the women have big breasts, she likely to have large breasts even higher than the children who come from families that the women are not big breasted.
At the time of breast growth, estrogen is the most important hormone. Certainly, estrogen does not work alone. He was assisted by the hormone progesterone, prolactin, and growth hormone.
It's all work together "to grow" breasts, especially when puberty. All four also will affect the success of breast milk produced by a woman.