Breast-Blooded Functions and Benefits - Some people consider the method of full-blooded aura of beauty and health is part of the mystical and the occult. This assumption was wrong. Salma Dian Priharjati, practitioners and pioneers of the founding of Dian Kenanga, a leading service-blooded aura, explaining that the full-blooded aura is a therapy that combines two types of therapy.
Two types of therapy that are full-blooded or accupresure therapy (massage and press on a nerve problem node) with prana bioenergy therapy (inner power or pure air is intensively trained to the level of treatment).
In full-blooded aura, therapists receive specialized and intensive training. Such as how to explore the pure air or prana which then collaborated with a full-blooded techniques (massage and press) to explore acupuncture points all over his body and face. The combination of pure air with full-blooded method serves as a detector to determine the point of organ nerve disorder. Since cruising is believed to have more stimulation in the ganglion, pure air is able to fix the alignment system of the body more easily. For more convenience, full-blooded prana bioenergy aura using massage on her, while not full-blooded face.
One type of full-blooded full-blooded aura of beauty is the aura of the breast. Age, the periods of lactation, and weight changes, usually led to a change in breast shape. Stretchmarks and loosening the breast is often experienced by women. Aura Breast-Blooded is intended that the breast is always healthy and toned. In addition, massage is carried out can also help detect any strange lumps in the breast. Another benefit: the more abundant milk production. But this full-blooded species can not be used to enlarge breasts, you know.
Two types of therapy that are full-blooded or accupresure therapy (massage and press on a nerve problem node) with prana bioenergy therapy (inner power or pure air is intensively trained to the level of treatment).
In full-blooded aura, therapists receive specialized and intensive training. Such as how to explore the pure air or prana which then collaborated with a full-blooded techniques (massage and press) to explore acupuncture points all over his body and face. The combination of pure air with full-blooded method serves as a detector to determine the point of organ nerve disorder. Since cruising is believed to have more stimulation in the ganglion, pure air is able to fix the alignment system of the body more easily. For more convenience, full-blooded prana bioenergy aura using massage on her, while not full-blooded face.
One type of full-blooded full-blooded aura of beauty is the aura of the breast. Age, the periods of lactation, and weight changes, usually led to a change in breast shape. Stretchmarks and loosening the breast is often experienced by women. Aura Breast-Blooded is intended that the breast is always healthy and toned. In addition, massage is carried out can also help detect any strange lumps in the breast. Another benefit: the more abundant milk production. But this full-blooded species can not be used to enlarge breasts, you know.