Facts and Myths About Breast Cancer - Many rumors and controversy circulating about breast cancer. And it's hard to believe the truth because only a myth. Although including one cancer that is often discussed as a cause of death of women, in addition to cervical cancer, a lack of understanding actually makes people more scared.
To help you get the right information, here are some myths and facts about breast cancer.
Myth: Women with large breasts are more susceptible to breast cancer.
Fact: There is no scientific evidence of this. Because cancer usually associated with mammary glands, while the size associated with fatty tissue in the breast.
Myth: Breast cancer can only be experienced by women.
Fact: No. Although it is not as much as occur in women, some men are also victims of breast cancer.
Myth: Breast sound is great.
Fact: A healthy breasts is not determined by its size.
Myth: Exercise without a bra would ruin the breast.
Fact: Damaging does not, but it may cause pain or discomfort. Because the breast is hanging on the body position, and when given movement can cause discomfort.
Myth: Every patient will surely die of breast cancer.
Fact: If it was found early, breast cancer can be treated and cured.
Myth: Red fruit can cure breast cancer.
Fact: There is no research that proves a powerful red fruit overcome breast cancer.
Myth: Men are free from breast cancer.
Fact: Men can also develop breast cancer even though the percentage is smaller than the female. Number, about 1%.
Breast cancer in men is also dangerous. The spread of breast cancer in men is faster because the tissue around the breast is thinner than men, so women may have occurred early stages of adhesion to the surrounding tissues.
Myth: mammogram can cause breast cancer spread.
Fact: Mammogram is a standard test for breast screening using X-rays to take pictures network.
X-ray and mammogram machines pressure on the breast does not cause cancer to spread. Do not let the stories and experiences of others cause you do not do mammograms. Take decisions based on the recommendation of a doctor.
Myth: Any lumps in the breast is definitely malignant breast cancer?
Fact: Not necessarily. Better make sure first whether the lump is solid or filled with fluid. If liquid, can be directly aspirated with a needle and usually benign. When solid. should be taken and examined in anatomical pathology laboratory to determine whether malignant.
Myth: Breast examination to prevent breast cancer.
Fact: Breast examination aimed at detecting early breast cancer and can not prevent breast cancer.
Myth: Breast cancer occurs mainly in women aged between 30 and 50 years.
Fact: The study says 77% of cases of breast cancer appeared at the age of 50 years.
Myth: Aspirin can prevent breast cancer.
Fact: Aspirin has not been proven as a breast cancer prevention, because there has been no extensive research to the problem. Although it theoretically could.
Myth: Breast is often knead, at risk of developing cancer.
Fact: Squeezing the breast (eg when having sex) is not proven to cause breast cancer.