
Torn in Vagina when Giving Birth

Women giving birth in Asia nine times more often experience vaginal tearing during childbirth than other women globally. Childbirth is widely experienced rips those who give birth normally for the first time, a baby in a vacuum, or a baby with a position facing the birth canal.

Rips to wage labor is usually done in the area of ​​the perineum, the area between the vagina and anus. When experiencing tearing it, whether natural or intentional (episiotomy), suspected to cause both the basic functions of the pelvic muscles. For example, no control over bladder and bowel movements post-childbirth or pain during sex.

Injuries due to episiotomy is also more susceptible to infection. In addition, perineal tears that are too wide also require more stitches.

In the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers from Israel say, from 38 252 normal deliveries at the hospital, found 96 severe tear. Asian women more often experience this rips with 2.5 percent are on a scale rips three and four.

The researchers do not yet know why Asian women more often experience this. However, there are allegations of Asian women shorter perineum so that the ability of muscles to stretch lower. Another cause is the size of a baby that is too large due to the high-fat diet.
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