
Characteristics of Abnormal Vaginal Whitish

Whiteness is one of the most common female problem occurs. About 75 percent of women around the world have experienced vaginal discharge at least once in his life. Identify the characteristics of these abnormal vaginal discharge and compare with your conditions. Hope helps!

1. Whitish brown or a little blood
This is a vaginal discharge that often occurs if you have irregular menstrual cycles. Beware if the discharge is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina that often occurs as well as pelvic pain, because this situation could in patients with cervical cancer and endometrial cancer.

2. Whitish yellow or turbid
If the discharge is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina outside the menstrual cycle and pain during urination, this could be a sign of gonorrhea infection.

3. Whitish yellow or green, frothy and foul smelling
Usually whitish like this is accompanied by pain and itching when you urinate. It's possible you trichomoniasis infection.

4. Whitish pink
Usually this happens after the birth of whiteness.

5. Whitish cream-colored and somewhat thick like milk
Whitish like this milk when accompanied by swelling and pain around the vagina lips, itching - itching to pain during sex is usually a sign of fungal infection.

6. Whitish in color - gray, or yellow with a fishy smell like fish
Usually this discharge is accompanied by a burning sensation like burning, itching, redness and swelling on the lips of the vagina or vulva. This is a sign of vaginal infection due to bacteria.

If you feel that you include abnormal vaginal discharge, then immediately see a doctor. Be sure to see the doctor when you do not clean the vagina with dishwashing soap or whatever so that he could see well the condition of your whiteness. You will be given treatment in accordance with your condition and monitor its development. Better not treat yourself, because your treatment is not necessarily in accordance with an infection that you experienced and thus can add to the problem and make it increasingly difficult to treat.
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