
8 Ways to Make More Healthy Vagina

Vaginal acidity level of approximately 7.1 to 7.3. To maintain the stability of vaginal health, women should understand the following points:
  1. As often as possible to replace the pads.
  2. After having sex, the outside of the vagina should always be cleaned. "Certainly not with ordinary soap," said Dr Boy. We recommend using a special cleaning soap vagina.
  3. Change your underwear at least 2-3 times a day.
  4. Use cotton underwear that absorbs sweat. When using a panty liner should be for 2-3 hours.
  5. Not wearing nylon pants, jeans, and skin that is too tight.
  6. For women who had experienced sexual intercourse and childbirth, do pap smears at least once a year. For those who are menopausal, do 2-3 years.
  7. Keep your weight to normal. Do not get overweight because it makes the vagina closed folds of fat, so moist.
  8. Keep your body's health in general by mengasup balanced nutritious meals.
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